Category Archives: crs

Brett Brewer – MySpace Founder and AdKnowledge CEO – a Content Luminary

What do you do after you launch a site like MySpace – one of the most popular sites in the known universe? If it was me, I’d probably buy a fishing resort in Alaska and focus on my casting. Brett Brewer, however, decided to go right back to work, becoming CEO of AdKnowledge. I’ve loved AdKnowledge for years – in fact, when I worked at Adteractive, I told my PPC team to never talk abotu AdKnowledge outside the company, because the quality and quantity were just too good to let slip out!

AdKnowledge works by dynamically serving PPC ads within targeted emails. The advertiser paying the most at the time an email is opened gets their ad showing up. It’s really a revolutionary concept, and the Company’s exponential growth is evidence that advertisers are joining the bandwagon.
Brett is speaking on The State of Contextual Advertising at CRS NYC on Nov 5 – sign up now and hear his perspective on contextual marketing first hand!

Jeremy Schoemaker – Performance Marketing Legend

Ten years ago if I had told you that the URL “” would be one of the most popular marketing sites in the world, I’m sure you would told me about a bridge for sale in NY.

But today, Shoemoney and its founder – Jeremy Schoemaker – are legendary. Something like 200,000 people subscribe to Jeremy’s newsletter and he’s also one of the world’s most followed Twitterers (if that is a word). When Jeremy has an idea about marketing, people listen. And that includes the biggest names in online advertising, who regularly fly him to Silicon Valley to hear his perspective.
We’re very lucky to have Jeremy speaking on “contextual marketing case studies” at CRS NYC on November 5th. I’m expecting a packed room for his session, so get your ticket now and show up early!

Bryan Minor – Rocket Scientist and Google Content Network Expert

Bryan Minor is a rocket scientist – literally. He has a B.S. in Physics, M.S. in Nuclear Science, and a PhD in Computational Physics. And now he spends his time trying to crack the Google Content Network algorithm. The company he founded – ScienceOps – has a product called AdMetrica that he says can increase your volume on GCN by up to 10X or more, all the while maintaining or decreasing your cost per client acquisition.

I’ve seen a demo of the product and I’m impressed, so much so that I’ll be doing a test with a client shortly.
Bryan’s speaking on the Content Targeting panel at CRS NYC on November 5th. If you want to learn about AdMetrica first hand, join us in NYC!

Oded Itzhak – Quigo and AdSide Founder – He Basically Invented Contextual Advertising

I’m very excited to have Oded Itzhak speaking at CRS NYC on our State of Contextual Advertising Panel. Oded is the co-founder of Quigo, which basically invented the concept of placement targeting, which in turn propelled Google to create a similar product on the Google Content Network.

His new Web site – AdSide – is trying to create a similarly high-quality network focused on in-text advertising.
Just to put Oded’s knowledge in perspective – Quigo started around 2000, AdWords Select (the PPC version) was launched in 2002. Nuff said!

CRS Conference – 30 Speaker Profiles in 30 Days

On November 5th in New York City the second ever contextual advertising and marketing conference – Content Revenue Strategies – takes place. The show was formerly called AdSpace but we’ve decided to rebrand the show to better reflect the intent of the conference.

Over the next 30 days, I’ll be posting brief profiles of some of the incredible speakers who will be speaking about how you can integrate contextual networks into your advertising campaigns. My hope, of course, is that by reading about these great thought-leaders you’ll be inspired to join me at the show. You can still register at the early bird rate of $395 until October 9th – so get to it!
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Posted by on October 6, 2009 in content revenue strategies, crs