Category Archives: adapt

Who Bought Adapt? WebVisible, That’s Who

Here’s an article with the answer. By way of background, WebVisible was formerly called SME Global. I did a biz dev deal with them way back in 2003! I think their model is to provide white-label PPC management solutions to IYPs and the like. So I imagine that the acquisition of Adapt is for the Adapt user interface and bid management technology.

Interestingly, WebVisible has raised a total of $17 million since inception, which makes me think that this acquisition was a mostly stock transaction, or a merger.

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Posted by on November 20, 2008 in adapt, webvisible


Adapt SEM Acquired . . , But By Whom?

One of my client’s received this terse email today from Adapt Software, the LA-based small to medium business paid search software company:

Hello [Name Removed],

We are writing to inform you that the Adapt SEM business is in the process of being sold to another company. We wanted you to know that the Adapt SEM product will continue to be maintained and sold and that you should enjoy a seamless transition with full support while we complete the sale.

In a few days, you will be receiving a letter in the mail officially notifying you of the changes at Adapt. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail

Thank you for your continued business.

~ The Adapt Team

So let the speculation begin – who is the acquirer? My guess, in order of likeliness is: 1) Omniture; 2) Microsoft AdCenter; 3) A large ad agency. If anyone has more details, please let me know!


Posted by on November 7, 2008 in adapt